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RSS Ngunderson

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Today at 11:08 pm a human being died. Over 20 years ago Troy Davis was convicted of a crime in which there was no real evidence and 7 of the 9 key eye witnesses have recanted their stories.

There really is just too much doubt to truly justify murder and that's what this is. It's truly frightening to me that in this day and age were following such beliefs as Hammurabi's code because if we live in world that's an eye for an eye then we will all walk around blind. This is a case that shows that when legality crushes morality we are left with an automatonic in-human view on life and our world. We as a world need to redefine our concept of justice and realize perception really is not reality. A group of people who didn't know and will never know Troy Davis, decided he would die today because there wasn't enough legal evidence to prove he didn't kill a man 20 years ago after years of campaigning his innocence . How is this right? Is "because we think so" really the answer? Are we as a people so closed down and unaware of the gravity of our actions or unable to have an independent thought? When there is no independent thought or innovative idea, we let people make decisions for us and atrocities like the Holocaust happen. Like story's in old times and biblical fables Jesus died because the people weren't strong enough to stand up for him and ultimately themselves, and the government chose what's best for them. We live in a democracy that literally means in latin roots "the people have the power", but do we? True Power can’t be force fed you have to honestly believe in what you’re doing and why you’re doing it or you will be working towards a system of someone else's determination. You have to fight for your rights and you have to fight for you because no one else really can! There are real monsters in this world that rape and destroy lives and cause misery where ever they go and the natural reaction is repulsion and anger to whole-heartedly believe in the necessity of "The Capital Punishment" but you can’t quantify life, any life! We have to endure and understand everything we put out into the world is recycled, energy can neither be created nor destroyed and everything around us affect us in ways we cannot undoubtedly understand. We have to be conscious of the choices we make, this isn't lion king but there really is a circle of life and we are just a stage but that stage is ours carpe diam ."Give me the strength to accept the things I can’t change, courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference". When you make the choice to consciously live in a system that gets to decide the life and death around you and quantify your own life your belittling humanity. If we don't have the strength or courage the change and accept what cant, we will never grow as a person as a state as a country as a world and as People.

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