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Mrs.O'Hagan's Government Class

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Pro Con
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:17
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 Pro (13)
 Con (2)

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Capital Punishment

How do you feel about our country's use of the death penalty? Back up your stance!


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 3
1 point

I believe that if you are going to kill someone, there must be a reason behind it. That deserves some type of punishment. If your going to kill someone, no matter whether it is a child or an adult, it is still wrong and deserves the same punishment. There is by no means any reason why they should be allowed out of jail just so that they can kill more innocent people. The government shouldnt even take that sort of risk when letting out prisoners because it is their job to protect us. If someone is going to kill a person and hurt the families of innocent people, then they deserve the same. It is not okay to kill people and if we show any tolerance towards this, then they will never realize just how wrong it is. However, in relation to the case we talked about in class, I dont believe that it is fair for that man to be sentenced to death without proper evidence that he is guilty because death is irreversible. once it is done, it's done.

Side: Pro
2 points

An eye for an eye. If you kill a person, or people, then you should pay for what you have done, not sitting in jail cell, getting free food and a warm bed to sleep in every night. I don't think that everyone deserves Capital Punishment, but it is a good option for those people that do deserve it. I think a way to categorize is by the extent of the crime, clearly, if someone is killed in vehicular manslaughter, the person driving shouldn't be hanged, but in a case such as The State of Connecticut v. Steven Hayes, you clearly don't have the privileged to share the same air as me. By the way, that person we talked about in class today is in fact getting lethal injection in a couple of minuets even though his lawyers tried one last time to postpone it.

Side: Pro
1 point

Nice reference to the case!! I'm going to ask you to describe it in class. Thanks for posting!

Side: Pro
1 point

FYI - Troy Davis was supposed to be killed by lethal injection at 7pm. It is now 8:03 and he hasn't been killed yet. Interesting.....

Side: Pro
1 point

If you are convicted of a crime you should do that sentence if it is 5 or 7,25 or life. If the crime is bad enough for jail and many years sentenced than you deserve to get the sentenced. There is a big discussion on the life sentence with people in jail. A lot of different people have many different ideas. I think the death sentence is a good option for the people that deserve to be on it. If you did a crime bad enough for the jury to think life sentence than you deserve it absolutely.

Side: Pro
1 point

i dont think its right for the court to decide whether they can take people lives away or not i think they should let them suffer in jail.

Side: Pro
1 point

Ummm... I think your in the wrong section but I'll say this... Why should we pay our hard earned money so that they can get 3 meals a day and a warm bed when, since 2009, around 1.56 million people were living in the streets???

Side: Pro
1 point

I have mixed feelings about Capital Punishment. If you are convicted of a crime you should have a jail sentence, but when it come to killing children and adults I think your punishment should be different. Even thought killing anyone/thing is morally wrong, if a man were to go around killing people and he was put in jail, would you rather have him sit in jail for the rest of his life or killed? I feel that if the person was not killed and left in jail the person would have to think about what they've done to the person they killed , that person's family, and the people who knew and loved that person; but if the person with the jail sentence were to be killed wouldn't that just be hypocritical? Saying be put in jail for killing someone but since you killed someone, we're going to kill you..So either way I agree with Capital Punishment and I also disagree under some circumstances.

Side: Pro
1 point

In my opinion nowadays the death penalty is completely useless. Just take the Troy Davis case for example, set the fourth execution date for 7pm tonight in which has yet to happen, according to Wikipedia "Georgia prison officials were waiting past the scheduled execution time for the Supreme Court's decision." Whether or not the case gets appealed again, remains to be seen. It has been appealed numerous times which costs millions of dollars. That being said every appeal calls for starting the case from the beginning, a new team of investigators, a judge, lawyers, prosecutors, a district attorney, etc. To pay all these people or for all of these appeals is much more expensive than the execution itself therefore the person should be sentenced to life in jail.

Side: Pro
1 point

Although I can make arguments for both sides, I feel a stronger pull towards this one. I believe people who murder should have a chance to live the rest of their lives in prison, but if they seem like a threat to society or anyone else, or show potential to be a repeat offender, I believe something else needs to be done. However, I do believe that we need to find a better way to kill these people, because lethal injection does not always work on inmates the first time.

Side: Pro
1 point

I believe that if a person is murdered by someone then they should get justice! i think that the death penalty is something that should be used for extreme cases like threatening other peoples life. It is the governments responsibility to protect the people!

Side: Pro
1 point

Capital Punishment is not only a something that should be in every state but also something that should be necessary for the safety of the American people. There are many reasons why Capital Punishment is needed.

1) It will prevent that person from killing again. Many prisoners that come out of prison are repeat offenders and many lives could have been saved if they had been executed instead of allowed out on parole. Not only have there been many killings in public but also killings in jail. Some people who don't deserve to die are killed because they had a conciseness and turned themselves in because they couldn't handle the guilt anymore. This is common in most gangs. Many Gang leaders have orchestrated killings of witnesses and even government officials in order to scare people so they won't testify. When things like this happen it hinders the public's state of mind and can strike fear into innocent people. Many crimes wouldn't have been committed if they had been put to death.

2) The cost to keep a prisoner in jail is more costly then executing them. It cost's about $79 a day to keep a prisoner in jail. If you give someone a life sentence (Lets say they live 50 years) It would cost the state $1,440,837 to hold him there while the average execution could cost around $100,000. That's an extra 1.3 million dollars a prisoner and with over 2 million prisoners since 2002, the government is spending billions of dollars to keep these people fed and housed. They get 3 meals a day and they can get a job working to get some of the pleasantries such as danishes in the vending machines.

3) Executing criminals provide closer to their victims. Many people get traumatized and develop psychiatric disorders. They can develop PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and in worse cases, victims can get schizophrenia which will ruin their lives forever in 1/3's case. But worst of all they can develop phobias where they can't go into certain places, do certain things, or even leave their house because their afraid of what might happen to them again. But not only do rapists and serial killers effect their victims, but they can affect the general public. If someone said there was a serial killer or rapist in your area would you want to go outside? No, you wouldn't, and if they said that wouldn't you have that small fear that you could be next? Such things can cause you to develop anxiety disorders that can effect your for the rest of your life.

The amount of money people spend because of criminals is horrendous. When you commit a crime you have to pay for lawyers, judges, and if your convicted, prison staff. And who pays for the billions of dollars that are spent each year on criminals? You do! (Along with the rest of America) Your taxes are going to these people so they can live, work, and get an education. (If you had Mr. Moriarty you know what I mean). Why should I have to pay my hard earned money so that they can get food and a job when I can barely scrape by to keep my car running. Why should I pay money so they can get a job, for hardly any pay, while it's hard enough for the American people to get one.

Therefore it is clear that it would not only help the American people economically, but can also put peoples minds at ease knowing that there is one less serial killer or rapist out there. So should Capital Punishment be allowed? I think the evidence speaks for itself. Don't you?

Side: Pro
1 point

If one of my family members was brutaly murdered honestly i would want that person to know what my family member went through. They dont deserve to live if the murder was planned in any way. I would want justice and it would make me feel better to know that this person cant do any harm anymore. Maybe the murderers family is going to be upset but they should know that their son/daughter or whoever chose their fate.

Side: Pro
1 point

Today at 11:08 pm a human being died. Over 20 years ago Troy Davis was convicted of a crime in which there was no real evidence and 7 of the 9 key eye witnesses have recanted their stories.

There really is just too much doubt to truly justify murder and that's what this is. It's truly frightening to me that in this day and age were following such beliefs as Hammurabi's code because if we live in world that's an eye for an eye then we will all walk around blind. This is a case that shows that when legality crushes morality we are left with an automatonic in-human view on life and our world. We as a world need to redefine our concept of justice and realize perception really is not reality. A group of people who didn't know and will never know Troy Davis, decided he would die today because there wasn't enough legal evidence to prove he didn't kill a man 20 years ago after years of campaigning his innocence . How is this right? Is "because we think so" really the answer? Are we as a people so closed down and unaware of the gravity of our actions or unable to have an independent thought? When there is no independent thought or innovative idea, we let people make decisions for us and atrocities like the Holocaust happen. Like story's in old times and biblical fables Jesus died because the people weren't strong enough to stand up for him and ultimately themselves, and the government chose what's best for them. We live in a democracy that literally means in latin roots "the people have the power", but do we? True Power can’t be force fed you have to honestly believe in what you’re doing and why you’re doing it or you will be working towards a system of someone else's determination. You have to fight for your rights and you have to fight for you because no one else really can! There are real monsters in this world that rape and destroy lives and cause misery where ever they go and the natural reaction is repulsion and anger to whole-heartedly believe in the necessity of "The Capital Punishment" but you can’t quantify life, any life! We have to endure and understand everything we put out into the world is recycled, energy can neither be created nor destroyed and everything around us affect us in ways we cannot undoubtedly understand. We have to be conscious of the choices we make, this isn't lion king but there really is a circle of life and we are just a stage but that stage is ours carpe diam ."Give me the strength to accept the things I can’t change, courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference". When you make the choice to consciously live in a system that gets to decide the life and death around you and quantify your own life your belittling humanity. If we don't have the strength or courage the change and accept what cant, we will never grow as a person as a state as a country as a world and as People.

Side: Con
2 points

Nicely put. How do we quantify human life? Although, I don't agree with your use of the phrase "biblical fables"

Side: Con