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RSS JoeyJackson

Reward Points:3
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1 point

Ummm... I think your in the wrong section but I'll say this... Why should we pay our hard earned money so that they can get 3 meals a day and a warm bed when, since 2009, around 1.56 million people were living in the streets???

1 point

Capital Punishment is not only a something that should be in every state but also something that should be necessary for the safety of the American people. There are many reasons why Capital Punishment is needed.

1) It will prevent that person from killing again. Many prisoners that come out of prison are repeat offenders and many lives could have been saved if they had been executed instead of allowed out on parole. Not only have there been many killings in public but also killings in jail. Some people who don't deserve to die are killed because they had a conciseness and turned themselves in because they couldn't handle the guilt anymore. This is common in most gangs. Many Gang leaders have orchestrated killings of witnesses and even government officials in order to scare people so they won't testify. When things like this happen it hinders the public's state of mind and can strike fear into innocent people. Many crimes wouldn't have been committed if they had been put to death.

2) The cost to keep a prisoner in jail is more costly then executing them. It cost's about $79 a day to keep a prisoner in jail. If you give someone a life sentence (Lets say they live 50 years) It would cost the state $1,440,837 to hold him there while the average execution could cost around $100,000. That's an extra 1.3 million dollars a prisoner and with over 2 million prisoners since 2002, the government is spending billions of dollars to keep these people fed and housed. They get 3 meals a day and they can get a job working to get some of the pleasantries such as danishes in the vending machines.

3) Executing criminals provide closer to their victims. Many people get traumatized and develop psychiatric disorders. They can develop PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and in worse cases, victims can get schizophrenia which will ruin their lives forever in 1/3's case. But worst of all they can develop phobias where they can't go into certain places, do certain things, or even leave their house because their afraid of what might happen to them again. But not only do rapists and serial killers effect their victims, but they can affect the general public. If someone said there was a serial killer or rapist in your area would you want to go outside? No, you wouldn't, and if they said that wouldn't you have that small fear that you could be next? Such things can cause you to develop anxiety disorders that can effect your for the rest of your life.

The amount of money people spend because of criminals is horrendous. When you commit a crime you have to pay for lawyers, judges, and if your convicted, prison staff. And who pays for the billions of dollars that are spent each year on criminals? You do! (Along with the rest of America) Your taxes are going to these people so they can live, work, and get an education. (If you had Mr. Moriarty you know what I mean). Why should I have to pay my hard earned money so that they can get food and a job when I can barely scrape by to keep my car running. Why should I pay money so they can get a job, for hardly any pay, while it's hard enough for the American people to get one.

Therefore it is clear that it would not only help the American people economically, but can also put peoples minds at ease knowing that there is one less serial killer or rapist out there. So should Capital Punishment be allowed? I think the evidence speaks for itself. Don't you?

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"I'm very smart when it comes to the subjects I like and know."

Biographical Information
Name: Joey Jackson
Gender: Male
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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